Good morning!
Saturday was like the Christmas Day of the Fall season because it was pumpkin picking day! Could that Rae Dunn cup be any cuter ?!?

We pick at a farm that you pay by the car load .. they have lots of fancy pumpkins plus the normal jack o lantern orange pumpkins ! Blue pumpkins and white pumpkins are my favorites!
Cash was a big help :)I ended up with 101 pumpkins this year .. there were no really huge ones because of our weather this year ..
so then at home .. they get lined up all around the front flower bed ..
we found lots of the crook neck gourds this year ..We were lucky we even got to go because it has been so rainy ..and this year was the hardest we have ever encountered with mud! We were covered in it .. it was like quicksand in the fields
Some of the blue pumpkins are almost an aqua color ..
mums ready to bloom... ornamental kale looking beautiful
**** Our Amazon Shop ****
Full of crafty and decorative items!
Ronnie's Needleminder click here

We have bags! Click here
*** Stitching with the Housewives shirts here ****

If you would like to see what I am up to everyday join me on Instagram and my Facebook page ! I do post on both almost everyday ..Links to my Facebook page , Instagram and Pinterest are in the sidebar .. Hope to see you there ! :)
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