I started this ripple blanket on the way to Kentucky to drop our son off for college.. These are the colors for the University of Kentucky, I want to crochet a football shape to put in the corner and maybe his initials... If anyone knows of a pattern for a football shape I would love to know. I ran out of white yarn last night so I will be heading out to buy some today.

I have always wanted to make a granny square blanket with little squares all different colors , but the way I have always joined my blankets I would have had to use a color in between each square ...So since doing the join as you go I can now make the blanket with no color in between the squares.

Its just 3 rounds of a basic granny square.. love it though !

Pincushion flowers are starting to bloom.. I have them in pink, purple and white.. I deadhead in the fall and just leave the seeds in the garden so they come back every year.

My vegetable garden is still going strong in the tomato and green bean area..To the left are the tomatoes and they are hanging over the little fence we have up ..its like a jungle in there ! Still no zucchini or cucumbers. I am getting peppers and we did have one eggplant so far.

The zinnias are gorgeous..wish I had more so I could have ball jars of bouquets all over my house !

It was a very hard 3 days ( day before, day of , and day after) ! I don't think I am over the tears yet because I couldn't even talk to my neighbor about it yesterday ! Its a hard but neccesary step for him !
My son in his dorm room..he is excited , today he reports for football..We are hoping and praying for him to make the team..

football stadium

University of Kentucky's newest fans ! Could they be any cuter!