More of the trees are up ..I have 9 finished so far.
This is the Santa tree.. all Santa claus ornaments .. Alot of Prairie Schooler Santa cross stitch ornaments.
This tree is on the stair landing.. Felt ornaments and a twiggy berry garland .. No lights on this tree , no outlet here !.The bow on the top right is to the garland on the stairs. I hope to finish it today.

This is the ice skate tree..I was a figure skater ( when I was younger :) So I collect ice skate ornaments.This tree is in the doorway to the living can see the Santa tree in the background, and thats my daughter on the couch.

The victorian tree is all lacy , cream and gold ornaments and lots of floral branches..The top of the cabinet holds a Santa collection and is decorated with a berryand evergreen garland and lights

This is the Victorian tree. The weekend after Thanksgiving we will get our real tree and it also goes in the living room. We put out a big village scene in the dining room but we are waiting for Thanksgiving to be over so we have more room . Today I hope to finish the garland on the stairs ( I need ribbon and some pics so off to Hobby Lobby I will go !)and get a couple trees finished upstairs.
I did make a subway art Table runner and a new subway art sign , I need to add a ruffle onto the table runner so I hope to get that finished today also.
Thanks for stopping by and your nice comments , Hope your week is a great one !