Happy Valentine's Day!
Do you all remember when I got the red rooster chalkboard to put my Country Cottage Needleworks cottage of the month pieces on ?

Well... that didn't last too long! I decided I wasn't crazy about them on there .. I had this tray from a flea market this summer and I wanted to use it for something.. I placed this on top and loved it! I added a pretty black gingham bow and a black homespun check covered button .. some magnets to the back of the stitching and L-O-V-E it! When I stitched the cottage of the month I did change the colors on this one ..and I just added the red stripe ticking to the back of it ..
So.. I tried the February Prairie Schooler monthly piece on the rooster chalkboard and loved that too.. so 2 Redo's! They are the perfect size to fit on the chalkboard!
I will be painting the rooster chalkboard either cream or black as soon as it warms up.. Don't you love them both ?!?
the rest of my Valentine stitching would be the Lovely Home piece I showed you yesterday ..
February form Lizzie Kate ...so sad that she will no longer be designing .. the February Sampler months from Little House Needleworks and Classic Colorworks.. and you can see the way the Prairie Schooler months used to be displayed ..And lastly the February wordplay from With Thy Needle and Thread..
Thanks so much for stopping by ! Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's day with loved ones!
If you would like to see what I am up to everyday join me on Instagram and my Facebook page ! I do post on both almost everyday ..Links to my Facebook page , Instagram and Pinterest are in the sidebar .. Hope to see you there ! :)
I really like your February pieces. Well done on the re-dos!
Happy Valentine's Day to you! Everything is quite lovely!
I love all those wonderful February stitches. Plus your Valentine decorating is delightful!! Hope you had a great day!
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