I finished the attic 24 summer garden granny square blanket this weekend ..I really liked doing the join as you go method.. I did 3 rows of half double crochet for the border and then Lucy's border that she did on her granny stripe blanket. Both the links for the square and the border are at the bottom of the post.

More progress on the Santa stocking.. Doesn't look like much , but theres alot of stitches in there !! The son who I am making this for leaves for college on Friday .. He will be 6 hours away, and I am one sad but proud Mom.. Going to be a hard couple weeks as we adjust to this ..

Hope you all have a great week , Thanks always for all your nice comments, and your visits to my blog !
http://attic24.typepad.com/weblog/summer-garden-granny-square.html granny square pattern
http://attic24.typepad.com/weblog/2010/07/the-granny-stripe-tadah.html border pattern

Good morning friend. The blanket turned out oh so lovely! I bet you can, hardly wait to cuddle up with that gem! I will certainly be thinking of you on Friday, as you take your son to college. I remember doing that with Drew, 5 years ago. It was hard! It is always hard to say goodbye, but I know that it is a vital part of their growing up too.
We Mama's will always be Mama's, even when they are grown!!
This is just beautiful. I am to working on a granny blanket. I think it might take me some time to complete! Have a wonderful week!
I love your blanket it's beautiful :)
Oooh Oooh Of course I am here your newest follower..:))
You have a very beautiful blog and.. All your crochets are like an art.. I will follow your blog and I believe I will learn so many things about crochet.. Nice to meet you..
All best wishes and happy happy summer days...:))
Wow! This is amazing! I'm also working on a blanket with the same pattern, but not sure when it will be done! So many distractions at a time! Hope mine is coming out as beautiful as yours!
Happy new week! :)
Best, LS
The blanket is lovely - a really like your color choices.
Beautiful! Love the colors.
What a beauty, Priscilla!! I love it!
Best of luck to your son in college--I'm sure you'll be driving down for a few games :) Our youngest and oldest sons went seven hours away and it does seem like a long way, but with skype and email, etc. the distance isn't bad at all...
The blanket is great! Love the edging!
Hi Mrs Pricilla !...welcome nad thanks for passing by,I'm so happy to see you all around.This blanket is so pretty,granny is always beautiful,don't matter how the project is ....they always look beautiful.Thanks and have a wonderful week.
Your blanket is gorgeous. I love your mix of the white with the beige and of course all the other colors. I'm working on something similar, but on a smaller scale. Blessings to you and yours, have a great day. Heather
Soooo in love with this new blanket. All those colors are calling to me. Can you make me one also? =) pulllleeeeez? I especially love it pictured beside your blue and white daisy blanket. So, if you should decide that my face is cute in begging mode AND decide to make me one, please make me a blue and white daisy blanket also (for the sake of presentation so when I open the box I can see them side by side). OK? OK!
Big woeful eyes looking very beseechingly at you...hugs, A.
The granny afghan came out so pretty and I LOVE the edging! The combination of colors you used completely lifts my spirits!
Just gorgeous! Thanks for sharing at the All Star Block Party.
So so pretty! I love the colours and how you used both a beige and a white in the edging.
Es preciosa la manta, los granny dan para muchos proyectos, está realmente divina, que pases buena semana y encantada de seguir tu blog, un abrazo
Just to let you know I featured your wonderful project today on homework. Stop by and grab a featured button. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
What a beautiful blanket and full of gorgeous colors. Thanks so much for sharing with the newbie party.
I'm a little late I think but "wow wow wow!!" Your blanket is so beautiful, you should be very proud it's just wonderful!! x
Your summer garden granny blanket looks nice, and you finished it just in time before autumn starts.
Beautiful blanket!
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