Saturday, September 22, 2012

Pumpkin picking 2012

Today was pumpkin picking day .. one of my favorite days of the year ! :)

We go to a farm where they charge $60.00 for a car load.. Thats alot of pumpkins in our Suburban ! You can only put them in the back and on the floor not on the seats for the 60.00 .   We ended up with 74 pumpkins, 3 garbage bags of gourds and a bunch of those goose neck gourds..

I actually had all these gourds around my feet on the way home.

No kids were available to come with us , so it was just my husband and I .. we were both a muddy mess by the time we finished !

There  were lots of blue and white pumpkins and we did find 4 of the light peachy pink ones.

here is one of the peachy pink ones.. they have lots of wartiness on them .. so cool !

This white one is HUGE ..I have never seen such a big white one !

Another shot of the great WHITE pumpkin..

Still picking beans and tomatoes from the garden supposed to get in the 30's tonight. Going to cover the tomatoes if frost is expected.

I asked my neighbor for more hydrangeas and she brought me over all of these !
Thanks for stopping by !



Kris said...

I was gone all morning at soccer games, but I was enjoying your instagrams at the pumpking patch, and then at your lovely home!!! I love that you are both in sweatshirts, which is as it should be, when picking pumpkins!!! So fun! 100 degrees and muggy as all get out here. Just awful! Son and husband took off for the lake after games. I am staying home this time for some peace and quiet!

Judy said...

What a deal for pumpkins! Wish our patch would do that. Beautiful display!

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Debbiedoos said...

Now that is what I call a pumkin patch in your own back yard. I LOVE it. Thanks for sharing.

Pam@OurAdventuresInHomeImprovement said...

Wow! You really got a load of pumpkins! I love the gourds too. Your porch looks beautiful.


must love junk said...

What fun fall pics! I'm coming over from debbiedoos party and am your newest follower :)

debra said...

LOL at FIRST I was wondering what you were going to DO with all of them


Unknown said...

How fun to pick your own pumpkins! They look great, too! Your newest follower from Debbiedoo's. :)

Kathryn Ferguson Griffin said...

OMGosh! It all looks amazing! How fun. Thank you for sharing. Visiting from Debbiedoos. Would love it if you would share this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House which goes live at 8am CST on Monday. Hope to see you at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

Karen said...

Wow, when I first started reading this I thought what can you possibly do with all of those pumpkins.But you decorated your home beautifully with them. It looks gorgeous.

Kathryn Ferguson Griffin said...

Awe, thank you so much for sharing this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House! Hope to see your prettiness again next Monday. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

Carol said...

Wow! What a great bunch of pumpkins--in so many colors, too!! Love the way you've made them the border on your flower beds, Priscilla :) Everything looks great!

Audrey said...

Wow ... your created your own Pumpkin Patch ... Love it. Not many pumpkins around here now ... maybe a little early. Have a happy Fall.
Audrey Z.

Maria Elena said...

So fun! When my kids were little, going to the pumpkin patch a yearly tradition! Miss those days!

Athena at Minerva's Garden said...

Wow, Priscilla--that's a lot of pumpkins!! How beautiful they are all around your landscape and front entryway--I love the scarecrows and fall sign as well.

Shannon Fox said...

That is AWESOME! Man, you guys are Serious about your pumpkins :)

Paisley said...

That is a lot of pumpkins! I love the big white one!

Erin {Home Everyday} said...

My oh my that is a lot of pumpkins! They look fantastic! Nice work, or should I say workout! You must have gotten plenty of exercise hauling those babies around :)

Erin said...

I don't think I've ever seen so many pumpkins in one yard! I really makes your house look festive though. I love all the different colors. What a fun way to decorate!

Katherines Corner said...

Wow!! love it, look at all those pumpkins. Your front entry looks terrific. You have pumpkins everywhere. I love it so much! Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop my friend xo

Shenita @ Embellishments by SLR said...

Wow! What an awesome display of pumpkins!!! How fun!!! I love it!

Laurel Leaf Cottage said...

Wow!! Look at all the pumpkins!! That's amazing!! I love it!! I can't wait to go to the pumpkin patch soon! I'm now following you and I would love for you to follow me back! =)Deanna

mail4rosey said...

It's one of my favorites too. Your work looks great! I bet your area pumpkin patch loves you too! :)

Honey at 2805 said...

Wow! What an abundance of pumpkins and gourds! It looks wonderful! I seem to remember your gorgeous pumpkin display you had last year! I think you've outdone that one! Thank you for sharing your fabulous Fall inspiration and creativity at Potpourri Friday!

Lisa @ Fern Creek Cottage said...

A yard lined with cool!!! I love this!

Yael from Home Garden Diggers said...

Wow, you get even more pumpkins than I do. I love the varieties and the color that you have. I think we will be pumpkin picking this weekend ourselves.

Yael from Home Garden Diggers

Pinky at Designs by Pinky said...

I think I remember your display from last year! Our local stores want almost $10.00 for ONE pumpkin. I got one at Lowes for $5.99 and thought it was a good deal:) Your pumpkin patch looks awesome! XO, Pinky

Rose Garden Malevik said...

WOOW.that is what I call some real pumpkins...just Lovley Post :)
and do not miss.....




last week it was 109lovley is FUN :)
Håkan ( The Roseman)

Karen said...

I love the Halloween look of your blog! The pictures of the pumpkins on your porch sure are getting me in the mood for fall and Halloween! I'm glad I found your blog!

Liz @ Sit With Me In My Garden said...

I missed last weeks party at Fishtail Cottage so I'm going through some of the links! That's an amazing amount of pumpkins and gourds for that kind of money! That big white one is a monster! I don't think I've ever seen a white one that big either! I love those speckled swan neck gourds! I got one too! Your halloween look on the blog is so cute!

Unknown said...

"Now that is what I call a pumkin patch in your own back yard." agreed in full and I LOVE it too! Really like your pumpkin decor in front of your home. :)

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Hilary said...

Now that is awesome! Thanks for sharing :)