Friday, April 3, 2015

Chalkboards.. Chickens and Cross Stitch

Good morning ! 
I have an addiction .. ok a couple addictions.. :)
Chalkboards..chickens and cross stitch !
I finished this Prairie Schooler chicken stitch that an Instagram friend was sweet enough to send me .. I left off the Good Morning from the chart..

 I had it in a frame but wasn't loving it.. so I got a craft board and painted it with chalkboard paint ..added a black and white gingham check fabric mat and doodled some flowers on the chalkboard ..

With Thy Needle and Threads April wordplay and the April cottage for Country Cottage Needleworks..
Some big Levain bakery knockoff chocolate chip cookies..Cookie recipe
A start on Lizzie Kate 's 4 seasons summer .. changing up the colors on this one..
Another Prairie Schooler Santa finish ..only 4 left to go of the yearly ones!
Hope you all have a wonderful blessed Easter weekend !
If you would like to see what I am up to everyday join me on Instagram and my Facebook page ! I do post on both almost everyday ..Links to my Facebook page , Instagram and Pinterest are in the sidebar .. Hope to see you there ! :)
Thanks so much for all your visits and sweet comments !

Linking to these fabulous parties !


Pondside said...

Those chickens are sweet and the finish is perfect. I love Prairie Schooler and have just finished Rabbit Run and the extra ornaments. I have also done the Santa you show. I missed this year's pattern and just ordered it last week. The Santas are favourites! Happy Easter!

Anonymous said...

Lovely post, cross stitch is not my forte, but I love how it suits you, happy easter day, from spain

Unknown said...

Oh my! Your addiction suits you! Beautiful artistry! Always nice to see your companions, sweet faces! Have a Blessed Easter, Kathleen in Az

Brenda Pruitt said...

My poor chalkboard still sits empty. I have no idea how to draw!

Carol said...

Your rooster stitching looks great on the chalkboard, Priscilla and I like it without the words. I stitched this one for my sister (who, like you, also has a "thing" for chickens and roosters :). Love seeing your April stitching and I'm so impressed that you are down to your last four PS Santas! What next?

Happy Easter to you and your lovely family!

Robin in Virginia said...

Love your PS rooster piece and I really like it without the words. Your chalkboard board that it is on is super. How did you attach your piece to the wood?

Have a very blessed Easter weekend!

Robin in Virginia

Barb said...

Your blog is always a wonderful inspiration. I wish you and all your family the blessings of Easter.

Anonymous said...

Your work and your blog are magnificent. Eye candy for sure. So glad I found it through a blog hop! Lovely.

southern seazons said...

How can you go wrong with the three "C's". I love it all. I too collect chickens and roosters. What a great display. Have a wonderful day!


Susan Freeman said...

Your cross stitch is lovely. Wish I could do that!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

Not bad addictions to have Priscilla... you are just very productive :)
Thank you for linking up this week at Shabbilicious Friday.

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Not bad things to be addicted to. They make your home so welcoming! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

Anonymous said...

That is lovely stitch work!

Linda said...

Oh I wish I had the patience for stitch. I started one 5 years ago.
Yours are lovely!