Stitching Housewives Chart Corrections

Monday, December 31, 2012

The year of 2012

Thought I would do a little year in review !
January of 2012 brought crocheting of baby blankets for the newest grandson to be born in March

February there were these Valentine cookies

and another baby blanket


March brought more crocheting with this baby dress and sock monkey hat and diaper cover. March also brought us a new grandson :)

More crocheting and cookie making in April with Easter cookies Football,da bears and a giraffe hat  and

 May brought a graduation ,prom ,2 more blankets finished  and the flower blanket progress and lots of gardening !
In  June I made this flag pillow for the front porch..finished the flower blanket.

 July was filled with lots of gardening balckberries and tomatoes

The finish of this blue giant granny square blanket

 and flag cookies ...

In August I finished this summer garden granny square blanket ..picked raspberries   and took our second to youngest son 6 1/2 hours away to college..

 September was spent making subway art  ,picking pumpkins ,decorating for Halloween

October brought more Halloween decorating ..

 Carving out a pumpkin for the little grandson and making him a pumkin hat !Mr. Pumpkin

 Carving pumpkins in October is always a big deal around here pumpkins !

 In November the mantel got changed to Fall  for a little while :)

and a daisy baby balnket was crocheted

We had a total of 12 trees this year . trees and more trees..

 I made a subway art table runner .. Love it !

 and another no sew tree skirt

Decemebr was filled with  decorating the front porch 

 A tour of our Christmas kitchen

 a tour of the dining room

JOY cut on my Cricut and lots of

Thanks everyone for all your visits this year , and all your wonderful comments ! A Happy and Blessed  New year to you all and I hope you continue to visit in 2013 !

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  1. What an Amazing year. You are so talented! Happy New Year!

  2. You have enough material for a show on HGTV! You have golden hands, that's for sure. It was a crochet project that first caught my eye. Happy to have found you. Happy New Year! xo

  3. YOU, my friend, are a slacker!!!!
    NOT!!!! You are a doer. You remind me of me. Except for the 12 trees at Christmas part!!! I did think of you when I was packing up my Christmas things. I was wondering how long does it take you to put all of your beautiful Christmas things away? What a job! Happy, happy New Year. I am so happy that I have met you!!!!
    xo Kris

  4. What a fantastic and creative year you've had, Priscilla! I'm so glad I found your blog and got to know you a bit this past year :)

    Wishing you and your family all the best in 2013!

  5. Thanks Lord for my Priscilla, she is have same art of my mom Ercelis Cueva, it's unveliable, but is true.

    January 28, 2013


Thank you for your comments !!