Stitching Housewives Chart Corrections

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Yay for May!

 Happy May Day!
I put the last stitches in this Prairie Schooler May piece this morning..
 There is A LOT of grass to stitch in this one ! :)
 I used a green gingham for the background and used the same pedestal frame from Michael's that March
 and April went in ..
These stitch up so cute! Guess it is on to June!
If you would like to see what I am up to everyday join me on Instagram and my Facebook page ! I do post on both almost everyday ..Links to my Facebook page , Instagram and Pinterest are in the sidebar .. Hope to see you there ! :)

Thanks so much for all your visits and sweet comments !

Linking to these fabulous parties !


  1. Beautiful. I love the ideas you have for displaying your stitchery. So much more practical than having everything professionally framed which has been my usual practice. Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. May looks lovely. You display cross stitch so well.

  3. I love how you change your stitchery each month and the seasons too. Your home is warm and welcoming.
    Kathleen in Az

  4. Your cross stitch looks great in the pedestal frame with the gingham backing it. Can you tell me what size is the inside of the frame? I have several Prairie Schooler monthly cross stitched pieces I would like to display as you have yours.


Thank you for your comments !!