Stitching Housewives Chart Corrections

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The garden is planted

I got my vegetable garden enlarged again! Its about 1/2 the size larger.. Hope all the vegetable plants do well and we don't have any of those nasty japanese beetles!

Blackberry and red  raspberry bushes.With tons of blossoms ..looks like it will be a good crop again this year . the bushes are getting so big.

There is a birds nest with eggs in the top loop of the wreath on the front door.. we have to be so careful going in and out. Hope they hatch quickly and grow up so I can put my summer wreath up ! :)

I planted some hollyhock roots in this garden around the mailbox last week , can't wait to get those growing ! I have always loved the hollyhocks but have never grown them .

These snapdragons have come back for about 4 years now. Seems strange for them to survive the winter, but they look great !

One of my planters on the front porch..
The vegetable garden, Up against the fence on the left are 2 kinds of potatoes, they are growing really well already ..on the right are strawberries and black raspberries..also some oregano.In the garden we have alot of tomatoes, cucumbers , beans, and zucchini..I still will plant some more beans and some peppers and maybe a couple eggplant plants.

This is the front yard,korean lilacs and sage are blooming, the hostas are all doing well..we just had some big evergreen bushes ripped out from in front of this bed , but we still don't know what kind of bushes we are going to plant in their place.
Thanks for coming by!

Cottage Garden Party


  1. Your yard and gardens look so pretty and neat! Are you going to post any pics of your flowers for the afghan? I'd love to see them! Do you know what colors you are going to use for the background and joining yet? I think I'm using black backgrounds and Vanna's Honey (a goldish-brown) for the joining, but I haven't made a sample to know for sure yet.

  2. I love the way your front garden curves around . . . so pretty.

  3. Your front yard looks very pretty.

  4. Your landscape is lovely and so very inviting! Larry

  5. Your gardens are lovely and I think your choice of adding hollyhocks by the mailbox is a great one. Would love to see the bird's nest in the wreath in a future post :)

    I like the snapdragons and have never had any reseed...lucky you!

  6. i loved looking at your garden, so lovely! thanks

  7. i loved looking at your garden, so lovely! thanks

  8. Thank you so much for sharing your gardens with us over here the garden party today! i would love to visit and take a tour through your landscape and see it all w/my own eyes! so much beauty to see! look forward to hearing what you end up planting! oxox, tracie

  9. You have a wonderful large patch for your vegetable garden--very nice! I love your beautiful pink snapdragons--so funny--mine wintered over this year as well. I was very happy to see them again this year!


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