Stitching Housewives Chart Corrections

Monday, September 17, 2018

Pumpkin Picking 2018

Happy Monday!
We picked pumpkins this weekend and it was HoT! We were all set to go apple picking but then saw on Facebook the pumpkin patch was opeing on Saturday instead of this Wednesday! so change of plans!

 It's a family tradition and every year we fill up our cars!
 The yard supervisor ..making sure that they look perfect :)
 Love these greenish almost teal blue ones! Look at the huge orange stripe!
 They line the front flower beds .. and lots on the porch

 I love to stack them and this year there were lots of flatter round ones

 I don't wash the pumpkins when we get home .. as I water my flowers or it rains it washes the dirt off..

 Love the stripey ornage ones that look like they have lace overlays..

 Pumpkin pickers!
 all these are waiting to get placed in the car ..
 Love all the colored and lumpy pumpkins! There are 100 pumpkins decorating the front yard .. a lot will be carved for Halloween and last year when Halloween was over I placed a Craigslist ad for free pumpkins and a nice family with goats came and picked them all up ..she said she would love them again this year!

  If you would  like to see what I am up to everyday join me on Instagram and my Facebook page ! I do post on both almost everyday ..Links to my Facebook page , Instagram and Pinterest are in the sidebar .. Hope to see you there ! :)
                                                  If you would  like to see what I am up to everyday join me on Instagram and my Facebook page ! I do post on both almost everyday ..Links to my Facebook page , Instagram and Pinterest are in the sidebar .. Hope to see you there ! :)


  1. What a colour explosion your garden is. I can't wait for the carved pumpkins. You have lovely and beautiful pumpkin pickers , great pic.

  2. Everything looks beautiful......awesome pumpkin pickers.......

  3. Oh my goodness, Priscilla!!! I am in pumpkiin's so blasted hot here in Michigan, I'm afraid to put any out yet! I love the different colors you have!! Your grandchildren are just too cute!!! They must have a blast when going pumpkin picking!!!

  4. Spectacular! The different sizes, colors, and textures give so much dimension than all orange pumpkins. Would you come to Virginia and help with my yard?

  5. Just beautiful! The blue ones are amazing!

  6. What a wonderful group of pickers you have. The pumpkins are fantastic too! I love the variety !

  7. I'm happy you have a family tradition to pick pumpkins and apples:). Your front yard looks beautiful with the color and variety of pumpkins amongst your flowers and vibrant green grass. The goats will enjoy eating them again.
    Hi Ronnie!
    Kathleen in Az

  8. They look great Priscilla! I don't see any pinks?

  9. They look amazing!

    I'm guessing they sell pumpkins differently where you are. Here in the Atlanta area that many pumpkins would be outrageously expensive. I'm so glad you have this opportunity.


  10. Wow!!! I have never seen so many pumpkins in one place and so many different kinds. Pretty amazing.

  11. I love love love all of the beautiful pumpkins. Your yard is stunning!!


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