Stitching Housewives Chart Corrections

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The Snowman Tree

 Good morning!
Here is the snowman tree .. one of the 4 trees in the family room..

 It is filled with all snowman ornaments.. and a few snowflake ornaments.. This year I used the flocked tree that was in our living room in previous years.. this is a prelit tree from Walmart..
Lots of stitched ornaments, Prairie Schoolers, Country Cottage Needleworks and Little House Needleworks..
I made the little snowman from warm and natural batting.. and embroidered his face.. 
 The tree topper is from an old snowman my sister in law had given me where the bottom would no longer he got new life on top of the tree.. I crocheted a big long scarf that is woven through the side of the tree.. This tree stays up through January since it is all snowmen..
 love those Prairie Schoolers! Thanks so much for your visits and comments!
The whole house tour is below if you haven't seen it!

If you would  like to see what I am up to everyday join me on Instagram and my Facebook page ! I do post on both almost everyday ..Links to my Facebook page , Instagram and Pinterest are in the sidebar .. Hope to see you there ! :)


  1. Priscilla, it looks divine. All of your trees do. I adore looking at other's homes at Christmas. Such a treat. Deb xox

  2. Absolutely LOVE it!!! I love snowmen :-) Cute idea! Have a wonderful afternoon!


  3. Always love seeing your snowman tree! The flocked tree is lovely with all the snow accroutrements!

  4. Love the topper! Your Christmas tree is full of wonderful stichery and just a happy tree:). Kathleen in Az

  5. Love it! We have a Snowman shelf but it might have to evolve into a snowman tree lol. I just received my newsletter from Inspired Needle and there was a pic of you and Chelsea! Lovely pic. I usually go to Tomorrow's Heirlooms in Glen Ellyn but I am going to have to go check out Inspired Needle.

  6. Snowmen always bring smiles and your tree is so adorable! Especially love the PS Santas, of course :)

  7. Your snowman tree is the cutest tree ever!!! Your home is like a winter inspirational.

  8. Oh I think this one makes me smile the most! Love snowmen ornaments, and you seem to have stitched all the ones I have languishing in the stash pile! Maybe this winter! Hugs!

  9. Amazing, just found your u-tube videos. started at 1 watching a few each day. I just finished dyeing some of my materials .made a opps. husband has a keurig so thought one of those cups would work.nope shaking out coffee grounds ,lol. lesson learned. but the materials are not drying over back of my chairs. beautiful worked on all but one piece,not sure brand on it.
    Your home tour is amazing and you have motivated me to pull out a few older cross stitch projects and set some goals.
    love your pieces. Merry Christmas


  10. wow thats very nice post i really like it thanks for sharing and much appreciate your effort
    Christmas Tree Ornaments


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