Stitching Housewives Chart Corrections

Monday, October 9, 2017

We Made Halloween Quilts!

 Happy Monday!
My daughter Chelsea decided we needed to learn to make a quilt .. so that is what we did this weekend! We each made a twin size Halloween quilt.. from 4 inch squares. We You tubed a lot of the instructions .. It isn't easy to make one but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be ..Binding was a little hard.. And ..OMG there is a a stack of Christmas squares ready to make a Christmas quilt! How did that happen!
 My other daughter ( the fury one) thinks it is hers! Chelsea did great .. she had never really sewn before other than in Home Ec..But now she has a quilt  that she made!

She is the Queen of this castle :)

 If you would  like to see what I am up to everyday join me on Instagram and my Facebook page ! I do post on both almost everyday ..Links to my Facebook page , Instagram and Pinterest are in the sidebar .. Hope to see you there ! :)


  1. Oohh well done both of you. You're amazing getting that done over the weekend. You will both be in trouble now, EVERYONE and his/her dog(pardon the pun) will now want one---- and yesterday :) Quilts are actually fun to do and look brilliant.Now you will be going and finding cotton fabrics and building up stash. I thik your quilts are fantastic.

  2. I am very impressed. You both did a wonderful job. The quilts are delightful!!

  3. I am so impressed with all you two do. And you never made one before??? WOW! And you got it done so quickly. Now you will be making one for every holiday.
    TFS ♥ judy

  4. Wonderful - congratulations to you both on making your very first quilts each!!! Now the quilting bug will bite.

  5. WOW what a beautiful quilt. I love making them. MY friend across the street has a quilting machine. Congratulations.


  6. I love that you and your daughter, Chelsea are crafting and sewing together:). Of course Ronnie is the QC manager, checking out to see if the Halloween quilt is warm and cozy:).
    Kathleen in Az

  7. Every time I look at your blog, Flosstube, or any other platform, I am, as they say in Newfoundland, gobsmacked! Such creativity and energy. You are an inspiration.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I always wanted to quilt also. You did a great job and only in a weekend. Wow!

  10. Those seriously turned out adorable!! You both did a fantastic job and holy smokin' needles! You are FAST!! It would take me 3 years just to cut all the squares - LOL! Looking forward to seeing your Christmas versions!!

  11. Good for you! I know Chelsea had been talking about wanting to learn to quilt...and you guys sure did! Isn't YouTube wonderful? You can learn to do just about anything! Your quilts look GREAT! And, most importantly, Ronnie looks quite pleased with the results!

  12. Your quilts came out great! It's such a cool feeling to see something like that & know that YOU made it. I love them <3
    Smiles, DianeM

  13. I'm always amazed at the speed with which you and Chelsea put new projects together--and so beautifully! The Halloween quilt looks adorable. Nice to have a new hobby (but please don't abandon us cross-stitchers!!)

  14. This quilts look great. Its not as hard as it looks. Awesome sauce

  15. This quilts look great. Its not as hard as it looks. Awesome sauce

  16. Uh Oooh! You both drank the look aid. Watch out as you skip down that rabbit hole and congratulations to you both for both your quilts totally done and quickly too!

    Have a great Halloween as you snuggle in your cute quilts.

  17. Lovely! They look good for your first quilts.


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