Stitching Housewives Chart Corrections

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Happy Halloween Chalkboard

Hello friends!
I am still Halloweening around here, and today the kitchen chalkboard got decorated for Halloween!
 I made this chalkboard from a vintage frame from a rummage sale..I got a board cut to fit it and painted it with chalkboard paint.. I change it up pretty much monthly..I think we are on year 4 of this chalkboard..

A big happy jack-o -lantern to great you as you come into the kitchen ..with a garland of small jack -o-lanterns dancing around..
 I can't wait to carve the real pumpkins but for now the chalkboard pumpkins will have to do!
 Thanks so much for stopping to visit!
 If you would  like to see what I am up to everyday join me on Instagram and my Facebook page ! I do post on both almost everyday ..Links to my Facebook page , Instagram and Pinterest are in the sidebar .. Hope to see you there ! :)


  1. I just found your blog via Pinterest, and I have to say you are amazing! I never need an excuse to shop, but you inspired me to check Joanne's, Michaels and Hobby Lobby today. I have already ordered a 3 tier tray from Ebay and I'm off!!
    I have cross stitched for years-but reading glasses has slowed me down.
    I don't know where you find the time to finish so many projects.
    Enjoying reading back posts Keep up the creativity, I love it!

  2. Happy pumpkins abound on the chalkboard :). Kathleen in Az

  3. Love those jolly jack-o-lanterns! Another beautiful chalkboard, Priscilla!

  4. I really enjoy your posts. Youve given me ideas I would have never thougjt of myself. For example, using other features to display cross stitch pieces which saves so much money
    Thanks Priscilla!!


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