Stitching Housewives Chart Corrections

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

August ..August..August!

It's August! This summer is flying by!
I stitched up this Classic Colorworks , Little House Needleworks Sampler Months August , and decided I wanted to use it in my foyer instead of the tiered tray in the kitchen.
So I went to Michael's and found this wood crate with chicken wire on the front .. and I just loved how it looked and the fact that I can fill it with florals to correspond with each month! I added 2 magnets to the chicken wire and a piece of sheet metal to the back of the mounted stitching.. easy to change out for the coming months. Won't it be pretty filled with fall florals and winter florals!?!
I did change some of the floss colors and the ones I used are shown above.. Looking forward to having this little crate to change out with the months!
If you would  like to see what I am up to everyday join me on Instagram and my Facebook page ! I do post on both almost everyday ..Links to my Facebook page , Instagram and Pinterest are in the sidebar .. Hope to see you there ! :)


  1. Welcoming August with your sampler in front of the crate with summer flowers is very nice. Your companion Ronnie looks adorable:).
    Kathleen in Az

  2. Your finishes are gorgeous! I was wondering how you dye your fabric. Do you use Vonna's bake and basted method or do you have your own secret 'recipe? Thanks

  3. Your foyer is adorable, so is the pup.

    Makes me long for fall, even though we are still in the throes of summer here.

  4. The crate is a great idea. Your August stitching is wonderful!

  5. Also would like to know how you dye your fabric. And what type of hoop you use as there is never one pictured.



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