Stitching Housewives Chart Corrections

Monday, June 26, 2017

America The Beautiful

Happy Monday friends!
The chalkboard has been changed up to red, white and blue!
I had a hard time erasing the chicken , she was just too cute !
There's a picket fence with bunting ...of course! Old glory waving in the wind and my favorite red and white stripe flowers.. with blue centers!
This chalkboard is one of my favorite seasonal decorations and gets changed out pretty much every month! The frame was bought at a garage sale and I had a board cut at Home Depot and painted it with chalkboard paint.. It hangs on the wall in my kitchen at the entrance to the family room..

It's hard to believe its almost July ..this summer has gone so quickly so far!
If you would  like to see what I am up to everyday join me on Instagram and my Facebook page ! I do post on both almost everyday ..Links to my Facebook page , Instagram and Pinterest are in the sidebar .. Hope to see you there ! :)



  1. You do wonderful boards, I try, do not take time, just do words
    Hope you have a fun week
    Stay well

  2. What a great new chalkboard, Priscilla. I'll bet it is hard indeed to erase your creations--at least they will always live on on your blog :)

    Happy July!

  3. You are a real artist! I love seeing your boards. I am a big fun of using bunting. I love the way you put it on the fence!

  4. America is a beautiful place, but its sad really when bigots, racists and other wicked elements spoil it. I'm still in shock over Trumps win for presidency. God help us.


Thank you for your comments !!