Stitching Housewives Chart Corrections

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Tulips and Mason Jar Chalkboard

 Happy Thursday!
I finally got around to drawing a new chalkboard ...since Easter is over it was time for Peter CottonTail to go! loved him..he was one of my favorites! ( I think I say that about all of them :)
We have had such a chilly and snowy April so far ..I think it has snowed 4 or 5 days this month ..I am ready to see some tulips ! Since the weather isn't cooperating I had to resort to drawing them.. and of course they had to be in a vintage blue mason jar!

 Today I think is the turning point for our was actually nice enough to be out without a jacket .. I mowed the lawn and cleaned out 4 more of my flower bed/planting areas..

 So I am ready to welcome Spring with open arms .. It is time for that warm weather and flowers!

 I wish you could see it in person ...the colors look so pretty compared to the photos!

If you would like to see what I am up to everyday join me on Instagram and my Facebook page ! I do post on both almost everyday ..Links to my Facebook page , Instagram and Pinterest are in the sidebar .. Hope to see you there ! :)

Thanks so much for all your visits and sweet comments !

Linking to these fabulous parties !


  1. That's so pretty Priscilla - you are such an artist!! Just curious - do you use regular chalk or the chalk pens that are widely available now? Thanks for your beautiful posts. I always look forward to them.

  2. I really like the color chalk, instead of just white in your framed drawings, very pretty. Sounds like you're getting for the warm weather months. Kathleen in Az

  3. OH, that is just a smile in a frame for sure. I gave the grand chalk and dark paper last weekend, and she loved it.

    Great share, thanks, Sandi

  4. What a beautiful Spring design. I hope the weather matches soon!


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