Stitching Housewives Chart Corrections

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Red , White and Burlap Front Porch & The Christmas Countdown !

 This year my porch has a red, white and burlap design .. This was last years porch with the green decomesh.. I took the green decomesh off, and added white decomesh and also burlap .
I kept the same red and white ornaments on the garland. The garland also has white lights so its very pretty at night.
 I made my picket fence/ chalkboard countdown sign the same way I made the Halloween Countdown . I bought picket fence pieces from Home Depot , and made the sign.. I sprinkled glitter on the painted letters before they were dry so its very sparkly ..
 There is a twig Santa on a vintage wooden crate , with a lantern and some of the Dollar Tree ornaments inside .. Also a snowman birdhouse we got at an estate sale. The doormat came from Goodwill , it was brand new from Target :)
 I made the JOY sign from an old shelf we had , used my cricut to cut out letters .. traced around them and painted ..
 The vintage plastic Santa is HUGE .. He was given to me by a friend , she didn't want him anymore and he is one of my favorite Christmas things ! We repainted him a couple years ago ,because he was in such bad shape.
 I also took the green decomesh off of the wreath for the front door  and added some burlap..

Then I added a thrifted silver tray painted with chalkboard paint .. I used a white sharpie to write on because I didn't think that chalk would be ok outside in the cold.  I used pipe cleaners on the handles of the tray to anchor it to the wreath.
 I added a burlap and sequin ribbon( I got the sequin ribbon at Hobby Lobby last year, after Christmas , really cheap !) bow to the top .For the base of my wreaths I use a regular evergreen Christmas wreath so its really full..Can't be having a skimpy wreath !

 Thanks so much for visiting ! Our inside Christmas decorating finally is finished .. yesterday my husband put the village up ..we had to change its location this year , so it was a big job .. I can't wait to show you !
I would love for you to follow me on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest ..all the links are in the sidebar !
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  1. Wow Priscilla, you are very decked out my friend! I love your entrance, it's awesome! Adorable big Santa greeting us at the door!!! Merry C'mas seasons to you.
    You made my day, thanks for the visit. I have another tour up right now!

  2. Wow so very beautiful. I really enjoyed looking.

  3. Your porch is too cute! I love the pops of color you did and the burlap....

  4. I liked last years but I think this years is even prettier!

  5. This is so darling and festive Patricia!! I adore the classic red and love the Santa! Thank you for stopping by to see us over At The Picket Fence!


  6. So festive and fun, Priscilla!!

  7. How much fun would it be to live next door to you!! Everything is merry and bright indeed. I have a village to put out also and I'm saving it for last, because it takes so long.

  8. How do you get your wreath to stay up on your glass storm door?

  9. Your entry could not be any more festive. It is a delight!

  10. I really like the new look Priscilla. The large Santa is awesome! You are ready girl! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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