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Thursday, December 5, 2013

Christmas Village 2013

 The Christmas Village is up and it is #fabulouslyfestive !! This is another one of my favorite things about Christmas , The Village..This year it is located in the living room and dining room ! I am honored to be doing another post for Joann Fabrics !
This was last years village you can see the post here .. I think this years is so much better !
 Over the years I have collected a lot of the light up village houses, most of them from Joann Fabrics. This is my husbands job to put out the village , and this year it was a little iffy if it was going to get put out! In past years we have used our dining room table , and moved it to the wall and set the village up on that . With getting the new dining room furniture we didn't want to do that.
 So between my husband and myself we came up with the idea to raise up this tree and start the village around it. Underneath the white felt are plastic crates , Rubbermaid containers, Rubbermaid bins , wood shelves, and cardboard boxes :) We use white felt to drape the whole village set up and then set up the houses . Bags of fake snow , and all the little accessories get added.
 I think my husband did an amazing job getting it all up .
 Joann Fabrics has such cute houses and I am hoping there are a couple more new ones coming home !

 This tree with the book page tree topper is the perfect place for the village !
 You can find all the supplies to create your own village at Joann Fabrics and Crafts stores ! The houses , accessories , snow, felt , lighting cords , all of it ! The best part is its all on sale !!! I hope if you don't have a village you decide this year to create one ! It is truly a magical part of our Christmas decorations !
 Joann Fabrics ..
I will be back tomorrow with another #fabulouslyfestive post ! My daughter and I had another all day craft-a-thon that I will share with you !
Thanks so much for your visits and nice comments !
I would love for you to follow me on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest ..all the links are in the sidebar !
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I was compensated by Joann Fabrics for this blog post but all opinions are my own.



  1. This is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!! Please can I come for an in- person tour? You and your husband did a fabulous, incredible job. JoAnne's should be honored to have you do a post for them. Is there a link to their post?

    I am in complete awe!! Fabulous!!!

  2. That village is so adorable it makes me wish I could visit!

  3. OMG - it is fabulous. I like this years much better under the tree. The last two years I put mine on the dining room table but this year I have a antique table that I am going to use.
    Your village is the best I have seen and you and your husband did a terrific job. Your tree is also gorgeous. Love the post .
    Have a great weekend.

  4. I'll say, your husband should be proud! It looks fabulous! I didn't put my village out. I can't think of any place to put it. But Noah has been after me to do it, so you never know???
    Love, love, love it!
    xo Kris

  5. Looks absolutely fabulous!!!!! Love love love it!!!!!! I just may have to copy your idea but my husband will kill me!!! I talked him into replacing our front living room windows with a bay window to display our village, but it has out grown the window!!!!! He doesn't know, I rotate the houses!!!!

  6. What a fantastic idea! we are in the process of putting ours up this weekend. but I think that it's outgrown it's year we have to rethink it. And this is great!

  7. Wow! Wow! So pretty. A lot of work but so worth it. Your village from last year is one of my most pinned Christmas pins on Pinterest (say that three times fast lol) and this one will no doubt be even more.

  8. I love it. So pretty. I gave a lot of mine to the grandsons-no more room here. I do love my village though.

  9. Probably the most fabulous and most elaborate Christmas village I've seen so far! Just love it! Linking back from Savvy Southern Style

  10. I love your village and you did a nice job wrapping it around the tree on levels. I'm going to be showcasing my village soon. I hope you'll come over to visit. I'm also pinning this post on my Pinterest board.

  11. It really looks fabulous Priscilla! I use to put my village underneath my tree and I know how much work it is. I only have 21 houses. Didn't put them out this year. We used my daughters small collection instead. Thanks for sharing with Creating Christmas.

  12. Gorgeous Priscilla! Your tree and village are amazing. Thank you for joining the Open House party and look for your feature at this weeks party. Merry Christmas.

  13. This is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!! What a great idea!!! Found this on Pinterest. Pinning too. Merry Christmas!


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