Stitching Housewives Chart Corrections

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Halloween Sugar Cookies 2013

 Yesterday was sugar cookie baking day for me :)  I didn't make as many as I usually do , but there are still a lot !
 There are pumpkins and  ghosts

  Chocolate Skeletons and cat skeletons..
 Lots of double decker cookies..

 Thanks for stopping by !
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  1. Wow!! I want to come trick or treating by your house!! xo

  2. Incredible!!! Who are the very lucky recipients of these amazing cookies? Do you hand them out as treats to the trick-or-treaters?

    I wish I lived closer because I would love to drive by and see you pumpkin display, too!!!

  3. Woe! Incredible!
    Happy Halloween

  4. Every year I am in awe of your Christmas Cookies and Halloween cookies. Do you have a special icing recipe? Mine NEVER turn out as beautiful as yours!

  5. You are an absolute cookie artist. I got hungry just looking at your post!

  6. You didn't make as many as you usually do !!!!! I used to do this and you are my hero. They are gorgeous! Thanks for making us feel inferior. LOL Have a lovely day!

  7. I always love your cookie post, Priscilla--they are so cute and professional looking. Do you give a lot of them away?

  8. Oh these are so cute. I love them and icing decor is fabulous. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  9. Priscilla, your cookies are always a work of art. I made sugar cookies for our family party. They didn't hold a candle to yours. Just frosted them and that's it. lol! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  10. I love your cookies, they are all so cute and creative and all so different, I just love the way they look when they are all out together, so talented and creative, I am your newest follower and I will be back again,...come on over for a visit...

  11. What amazing sugar cookies! Thanks for sharing at the Twirl & Take a Bow Party! Hope to see you at the party Tuesday. Have a great Week!
    House on the Way


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