Stitching Housewives Chart Corrections

Monday, July 8, 2013

Potatoes in a Pot

 Good morning ! Hope you had an enjoyable 4th of July and a great weekend ! I decided on Saturday it was time to see what was growing in one of the pots of potatoes. We planted these in May with 4-5 pieces of seed potatoes.
 My husband tried to dump the pot into that big metal tub , but they wouldn't budge. He ended up having to pull them out ..
 We ended up getting 5 pounds of potatoes from that pot ! Five pounds of the best little red new potatoes ! I boiled them and then added butter and parsley .. They were amazing !

 Don't know how we got that one huge potato! We planted more potatoes in the empty pot. Hope we get more !
 We went to the zoo, its right on Lake Michigan so then we went down to the lakeshore. The U.K. college boy came home last Tuesday and left again yesterday. It was nice to have him home.
 For the 4th of July I made my annual flag cake. White cake ( made from a mix) topped with strawberries and blueberries with a little sugar .. Then cool whip and more berries to make a flag.
I am still working on this patriotic piece.. July from Prairie Schooler.
Hope you have a great week !
Thanks as always for your visits and comments !
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  1. Hi Priscilla,
    It was so interesting to see how your potato project turned out! It's good to know how potatoes grow in a pot. We planted our potatoes in the ground in February, and we have so many that we're giving them away to all of our friends. That flag cake looked awesome, too!

  2. This is so awesome! I've heard of doing it in a large garbage can but not in a bowl! Come share it here with us

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. How exciting!!! I want to try potatoes next season! What fun! I marvel at nature.....maybe I am weird, but it truly does amaze me.
    Your cake is beautiful! I love seeing little B as he is growing! And I'm glad you had all of your kiddos home for the holiday!
    xo Kris

  4. Wow, that is a great yield from a pot! Love the cake, bet it is delish. xo

  5. Your potatoes are amazing. It makes me think I should try it next year. So glad you had a good 4th.

  6. Oh, those look great, Priscilla--something to think about for next year... And your cake looks delectable, too :) So glad your son was able to visit for the weekend--he sure looks like he's enjoying his time with his nephew!

    I just love this PS piece--so cheery and patriotic!

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  8. Your potato crop looks delicious!

  9. I never thought to try potatoes that way! They look and sound yummy!!! Looks like you have been having some fun times. Love your patriotic stitches too.

  10. Cool idea! I wanted to try and plant potatoes but i never thought I could grow them in a container. I will definitely try that!

  11. Hello Priscilla,
    I am rather new to the world of blogging but was blog hopping just now and came upon the post about your potatoes! I do a little gardening in pots...tomatoes, peppers, etc. but have never even thought of doing potatoes! The baby reds are my favorite and I am quite interested in learning how to do this for next season. Do you have a tutorial you can post? How big of pot, other important info?? I think I will enjoy following your blog!

  12. Your potatoes in a pot are amazing!!!!!! Pinned to my summer garden board! Gonna share on face book:) Stop by

  13. Oh my word, I love the potatoes, I think we need to do this. They look amazing and there's nothing like home grown. Thanks tons for joining Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  14. Potatoes in a pot is a great idea-but I think you are supposed to wait for the vines to die before digging. Did you know there is corn in a pot now? Yeah, just plant in a circle around a large pot. It supposedly makes lots of corn because it is close together and gets pollinated better.

  15. Thanks for info on the potato planting...looking forward to trying this!


  16. Priscilla, I have seen people grow potatoes in gunny sacks but never thought of using a large pot. I am going to do this next year. Thanks for showing us. Always love that flag cake. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  17. Well done on the potatoes! I'm also growing a purple variety but they are so slow in growing this year. I have a sack like thing that has a velcro window at the bottom so I keep being tempted to have a look at how they are doing. Best not look yet! Chel x


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